' A small water waving/flickering program ' For SB(fltk) 2 Jan 2009 , by Keijo Koskinen ' You can download lakeshore1.jpg from: ' http://users.csolve.net/~keiko/smallbasic/lakeshore1.jpg ' When lakeshore1.jpg appears to screen, ' ..right clic it and choose save as ' ..to your bas_home directory ' *** load image *** 'img= env("C:\sb_fltk_97\FLTK_0.9.7\Bas-Home")+"lakeshore1.jpg" ' or img= env("Bas-Home")+"lakeshore1.jpg" if (!exist(img)) then ? "Lakeshore1.jpg does not exist " else open img for input as #1 w = imagew(#1,0) h = imageh(#1,0) x = 1 y = 1 image #1,0, x,y,0,0,w,h close #1 fi ' This image size: 1,1-400,270 ' Water area: 1,190 - 400,270 that means wh=270-190=80 ww=400-1=399 wh=270-190 : ww=400-1 dim t1(91,401) ' store water area > t1(), make it slighly bigger for ii=191 to 270 for iii=1 to 400 t1(ii-190,iii)=point(iii,ii) next next ' *** Let's wave it *** label waveit mo=4 ' height of strip, bigger > waves, smaller > flickering if bb < mo then bb=wh-6 colp=rnd * (mo+4) 'need to random place for to create clickering aa=0 for aa1=1 to (mo-2) aa=bb-aa1+190 for aaa=1 to 400 pset aaa,aa,t1(aa+colp-190,aaa) next next bb=bb-(mo+1) ' next strip place goto waveit